The Fall guy (2024) Custom R2 UK Blu Ray Covers And Labels

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Jun 16, 2024

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Cover Category:
Blu-Ray Covers & Labels

Comments to The Fall guy (2024) Custom R2 UK Blu Ray Covers And Labels

  • Nice variations! But if you use parts from another designer, please mention their name as a thank you. I saw you’ve been using my credits for a second time. I’m not here to stir things up, just mentioning it.

    JohnSmith82 JohnSmith82 June 17, 2024 5:24 am
  • I would like to thank Johnsmith82 who supplied the film credits for the blu ray and dvd covers, Thank you.

    danrich62 danrich62 June 17, 2024 1:42 pm
  • Hi Johnsmith82 I offer my sincere apologies to you. It was not my intention to insult you and your work. I get all my images from google search so did not realise i had infringed on a fellow member. I have posted a thank you for your contribution to my blu ray and dvd cover. You mentioned in your msg that this is the second time i have used your material. I do apologize. If you will let me know what the other title is i will post your contribution to that cover as well. This will not happen again. I will check my sources properly in future. Once again i apologize for any insult caused. Dan.

    danrich62 danrich62 June 17, 2024 1:51 pm
  • Thank you for your apology. The other cover was from Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire.

    I know it’s only a hobby, but I’ve been a designer in a team where team spirit was a high priority. We all like to create something good and have fun with it, so there’s no need to push other designers down to the ground 🙂

    JohnSmith82 JohnSmith82 June 17, 2024 8:12 pm

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